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活動日期 Promotion Period:
2024年10月1日 - 2024年11月30日

換領日期 Redeem Period:
2024年10月1日 - 2024年12月31日

如中“大獎 - 6獎”,請保留刮刮卡正本,於2024年12月31日下午5時或之前透過 WhatsApp 9351 6671 以訊息預約領獎,收到訊息後客户服務會於辦公時間星期一至五,上午9時至下午5時,回覆安排。



*指定參與商戶: 惠康超級市場, Market Place, 3hreesixty及Oliver’s The Delicatessen

For prizes 1 to 6:

Winners must reserve their prize collection via WhatsApp at 9351 6671 by 5pm on 31st December, 2024. Customer service will respond during business hours, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

For prize 7:

Please keep the voucher and redeem at participating merchants* while stocks last.

*Participating merchants: Wellcome Supermarkets, Market Place, 3hreesixty and Oliver's The Delicatessen.

【韓國姬香®5週年版送大禮 即刮即獎】條款及細則:



1.  此活動由即日起至2024年11月30日期間(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」),每位購買韓國姬香®香印提子“5週年版”的人士可以在包裝盒內獲得刮刮卡乙張。

2. 每名參加者不限中獎次數。

3. 是次活動獎品如下︰

獎品 1︰iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB 價值10,199 港元 (1名)

獎品 2︰惠康有條件價值1,000港元現金券 (門市專用)  (9名)

獎品 3︰惠康有條件價值500港元現金券 (門市專用) (10名)

獎品 4︰惠康有條件價值300港元現金券 (門市專用) (12名)

獎品 5︰韓國姬香®香印提子1盒(600g) 價值120港元 (50名)

獎品 6︰惠康有條件價值50港元現金券 (門市專用)  (100名)

獎品 7︰惠康韓國姬香®香印提子價值$5折扣券 價值5港元 (門市專用)  (14,818名)

4. 得獎者需要提供姓名(與身份證相同)、身份證字母及頭4位數字、聯絡電話以及中獎刮刮卡流水號碼作登記用途。

5. 本公司在是次活動中要求得獎者所提供的個人資料,只用作聯絡得獎者及領獎時核實身份之用,並會妥善保存及保密處理已收集之個人資料。所收集的個人資料會於本活動完結後 60日內銷毀。

6. 刮刮卡屬即抽即中獎形式,得獎者於領取獎品時,必須向本公司出示中獎刮刮卡之正本。本公司只接受得獎之刮刮卡正本,影印本無效,刮刮卡兌換後會被收回。

7. 活動完結聲明將於2024年12月9日刊登於英文虎報及星島日報。

8. 得獎者請參閱不同獎品之兌換條款及細則。得獎者須於指定地點領取獎品,如未能於推廣期內兌換獎品,會被視同放棄領獎權利。

獎品 1 - 6 之條款及細則︰

i. 憑中獎刮刮卡於2024年12月31日下午5時或之前透過WhatsApp 9351 6671以訊息預約領獎,收到訊息後客户服務會於辦公時間星期一至五,上午9時至下午5時,回覆安排。
ii. 本活動只接受於參加本推廣活動時可接收及發送 WhatsApp 訊息及已接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策的香港手提電話號碼登記。 如香港手提電話號碼於參加本推廣活動時尚未登記 WhatsApp 帳戶或 WhatsApp 帳戶尚未接受 WhatsApp 應用程式內的服務條款及私隱政策,將無法接收得獎 WhatsApp 訊息,得獎訊息不設補發。

獎品 7 之條款及細則︰

i. 憑中獎刮刮卡於2024年12月31日或之前於惠康超級市場購買韓國姬香®香印提子即可享減價值 $5優惠。

9. 獎品不得兌換為現金。


11. 圖片只供參考,獎品以實物為準。獎品顏色不可選擇及將視乎獎品供應商供應情況而定。

12. 所有得獎者須同意本公司有權使用領獎的照片作是次活動有關之宣傳推廣,並同意津滙國際有限公司免受責於照片用途所產生的任何申索。此聲明同時受到有關法律及任何照片版權的保障。 

13. 所有獎品均不可轉讓、轉售或兌換現金。得獎者須同意遵守獎品供應商所列有關獎品上之各項條款及細則。惠康及獎品供應商對所有因領取或使用各獎品之後果概不負責。

14. 刮刮卡如有任何過期、不完整、偽造、影印、損毀、重印、修改或塗污,均作廢論,津滙有權取消其得獎資格。刮刮卡如有遺失,津滙決不補發。

15. 如有任何爭議,津滙保留最終決定權。如津滙發現參加者使用或教唆他人使用不正當或欺詐手法干擾推廣活動的運作、破壞或影響活動的舉辦、誠信、公平或順利進行,津滙有權終止有關參加者的參加資格、把已登記的資料作廢及限制參加者登入推廣網站和 / 或向參加者提供相關服務,並保留 向有關人士追究的權利。

16. 若宣傳資料所載資料與此等條款及細則有任何歧義,概以此等條款及細則為準。

17. 本活動於香港舉行。此等條款及細則須受香港法例規管及按其詮釋,每名合資格參加者接受香港法院的專屬司法管轄權管轄。

18. 此等條款及細則的中英文版本如有任何歧義或不一致,一概以英文版本為準。



【Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat 5th Anniversary Giveaway - Sure-Win Scratch Card】Terms and Conditions:


The promotional event titled "Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat 5th Anniversary Giveaway: Sure-Win Scratch Card" is organized by Freco International Co., Ltd. By participating in this event, participants confirm that they have read, understood, and agreed to the following terms and conditions.

1. The promotion runs from now until 30th November, 2024 (inclusive). Each person who purchases the "5th Anniversary Edition" of Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat will receive a scratch card inside the packaging.

2. Participants can win multiple times.

3. The prizes for this event are as follows:

Prize 1: iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB valued at HK$10,199 (1 winner)
Prize 2: Wellcome Value HK$1,000 shopping conditional coupon (For Physical Store Only) (9 winners)
Prize 3: Wellcome Value HK$500 shopping conditional coupon (For Physical Store Only) (10 winners)
Prize 4: Wellcome Value HK$300 shopping conditional coupon (For Physical Store Only) (12 winners)
Prize 5: One pack of Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat (600g) valued at HKD 120 (50 winners)
Prize 6: Wellcome Value HK$50 shopping conditional coupon (For Physical Store Only) (100 winners)
Prize 7: Value HK$5 discount voucher for purchase Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat at Wellcome (For Physical Store Only) (14,818 winners)

4. Winners must provide their name (matching their ID), the letter and first 4 digits of ID card number, contact number, and the serial number of the winning scratch card for registration purposes.

5. The company will only use the personal information collected during this event to contact winners and verify identities. This information will be securely stored and kept confidential. Collected personal data will be destroyed within 60 days after the event concludes.

6. The scratch card operates on an instant win basis. Winners must present the original winning scratch card to the company when claiming their prize. Only original winning scratch cards will be accepted; photocopies are not valid. The scratch card will be collected upon redemption.

7. A statement regarding the conclusion of the event will be published on 9th December, 2024, in the The standard and Sing Tao Daily.

8. Winners should refer to the redemption terms and conditions for different prizes. Prizes must be collected at designated locations, and failure to redeem prizes within the promotional period will be considered a forfeiture of the right to claim the prize.

For prizes 1 to 6:

i.  Winners must reserve their prize collection via WhatsApp at 9351 6671 by 5pm on 31st December, 2024. Customer service will respond during business hours, Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.

ii.  Only Hong Kong mobile numbers that can send and receive WhatsApp messages and have accepted the WhatsApp terms and privacy policy at the time of participation will be eligible. If a mobile number was not registered with WhatsApp during participation, the winner will not receive the winning notification, and no reissues will be made.

For prize 7:

i. Winners can redeem the HK$5 discount voucher for purchase Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat at Wellcome by 31st December, 2024.

9. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash.

10. The company is not responsible for any damage or loss of redeemed prizes.

11.  Images are for reference only; actual prizes will be based on the physical items. Prize colors cannot be chosen and are subject to the supplier's availability.

12.  All winners agree to allow the company to use their prize collection photos for promotional purposes and indemnify Freco against any claims arising from the use of these photos. This statement is protected by relevant laws and photo copyright.

13.  All prizes are non-transferable, non-resalable, and cannot be exchanged for cash. Winners must agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth by the prize suppliers. Freco and the prize suppliers are not liable for any consequences arising from the collection or use of the prizes.

14.  Scratch cards that are expired, incomplete, counterfeit, photocopied, damaged, reprinted, altered, or defaced will be considered void, and Freco reserves the right to cancel the winner's eligibility. Scratch cards that are lost will not be reissued by Freco International Co., Ltd.

15.  In the event of any disputes, Freco reserves the right to make the final decision. If Freco discovers that a participant is using or encouraging others to use improper or fraudulent methods to interfere with the operation of the promotional event, undermine its integrity, fairness, or smooth conduct, Freco has the right to terminate that participant's eligibility, invalidate their registered information, and restrict their access to the promotional website and/or related services, while reserving the right to pursue legal action against the relevant individuals.

16.  In case of any discrepancies between the promotional materials and these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions will prevail.

17.  This event is held in Hong Kong and is governed by its laws, with each eligible participant accepting the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

18.  In case of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between the Chinese and English versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.

"Freco", "the company", or "we" refers to Freco International Co., Ltd.
Trade Promotion Competition Licence No.: 59226

韓國姬香®香印提子 價值$5折扣券】條款及細則:

  • 憑券購買韓國姬香®香印提子,即可作價值$5使用

  • 此券有效期至2024年12月31日

  • 此券只適用於指定參與商戶*,貨品數量有限,售完即止

  • 請於收銀時出示此券

  • 此券限用一次,每單限用一張

  • 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用

  • 折扣優惠只限於購買韓國姬香®香印提子,如同一帳單購買多過一盒,只有一盒可享用折扣

  • 此券只接受正本,不可塗污,不可兌換現金,不設找贖及使用後將被收回

  • 如有任何爭議,津滙國際有限公司保留最終決定權

*指定參與商戶: 惠康超級市場, Market Place, 3hreesixty及Oliver’s The Delicatessen

 【Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat value $5 discount voucher】Terms and Conditions:

  • Present this voucher to enjoy value $5 off when purchasing  Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat.

  • This voucher is valid until 31 December, 2024.

  • This voucher is only valid at participating merchants* while stocks last.

  • Please present this voucher at the time of purchase.

  • This voucher can be used only once, and one voucher per transaction.

  • This voucher cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers, discount and cash coupons.

  • The discount applies only to the purchase of  Korean GongJu® Shine Muscat. If multiple boxes are purchased in the same transaction, only one box is eligible for the discount.

  • This voucher must be original and unmarked. It cannot be exchanged for cash, no change will be given, and it will be collected after use.

  • In case of any dispute, Freco International Co., Ltd. reserves the final decision.

*Participating merchants: Wellcome Supermarkets, Market Place, 3hreesixty and Oliver's The Delicatessen.

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